One of my passions is meteorites. I even have a meteorite on one of my bracelets.
Meteorites are not merely chunks of rock from space; they are windows into the distant past and the formation of our solar system. Their arrival on Earth has sparked wonder, curiosity, and scientific inquiry for centuries. As we continue to explore the cosmos and gather more meteorites, we inch closer to unraveling the universe’s mysteries and our own place within it. These celestial visitors remind us of the vastness of the cosmos and the boundless opportunities for discovery that it offers.

Meteorites, the celestial wanderers that occasionally grace our planet’s skies, have captivated humanity’s imagination for centuries. These extraterrestrial rocks, remnants of the early solar system, provide invaluable insights into the universe’s formation, evolution, and mysteries that have baffled scientists and astronomers for generations. In this article, we embark on a journey through the fascinating world of meteorites, exploring their origins, types, impact on Earth, and the remarkable scientific discoveries they’ve unlocked.

Meteorites are ancient relics from the time when our solar system was born, around 4.6 billion years ago. They are comprised of various materials, including metals, silicates, and organic compounds, which give us vital clues about the conditions and materials present during the solar system’s infancy.

There are three primary categories of meteorites:
Stony Meteorites: These meteorites are mostly composed of silicate minerals, similar to the Earth’s crust. They are further classified into chondrites, achondrites, and carbonaceous chondrites, each revealing unique information about the solar system’s history.
Iron Meteorites: Composed mainly of iron and nickel, these meteorites represent the cores of ancient, differentiated asteroids. Their crystalline structure and high metal content make them distinct from other meteorite types.
Stony-Iron Meteorites: As the name suggests, these meteorites contain both silicate minerals and metallic materials, providing evidence of complex processes during the solar system’s formation.

The Journey to Earth
Meteorites reach Earth through a remarkable journey. Most originate from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter or even farther regions of our solar system. These wanderers may be ejected from their parent bodies due to collisions or gravitational disturbances, ultimately finding their way to Earth’s surface.
As they enter our atmosphere, meteorites create dazzling streaks of light known as meteors, shooting stars, or even fireballs. These fiery displays are a result of the meteoroid’s rapid descent, during which it undergoes intense friction with the Earth’s atmosphere, heating up and vaporizing in the process. Only a small percentage of meteoroids survive this fiery ordeal and make it to the surface as meteorites.
Meteorites can vary greatly in size, from tiny grains to enormous masses weighing several tons. While small meteorites typically go unnoticed, larger ones can leave craters, alter landscapes, and even cause significant damage if they strike populated areas. Meteorites are a treasure trove of information for scientists studying the early solar system. They provide insights into the formation of planets, the processes that shaped our solar system, and the origins of the materials that make up Earth.
Here are some key scientific discoveries made possible by meteorites:
Age of the Solar System: Radiometric dating of meteorites has helped establish the age of the solar system at approximately 4.6 billion years.
Building Blocks of Life: Carbonaceous chondrites contain organic compounds and water, suggesting that the ingredients for life may exist elsewhere in the universe.
Understanding Planetary Differentiation: Iron meteorites offer clues about how planets like Earth developed distinct layers, such as cores, mantles, and crusts.
Preservation of Primitive Materials: Chondrites are like cosmic time capsules, preserving pristine, unchanged materials from the early solar system.

On March 7, 2018 at 7:05 pm a meteorite landed very near to Ocean Shores at LAT/LONG
47.4312 • -124.3448.
Although this event is recorded as American Meteor Society event number 914 in 2018; no meteorite has been found. Signatures of falling meteorites can be found in imagery from three nearby weather radars. In the NEXRAD weather radar network operated by NOAA, the KRTX (Portland, OR), KLGX (Langley Hill, WA), and KATX (Seattle, WA) radars record signatures of falling meteorites. The exploration vessel E/V Nautilus performed a search for meteorites using mapping sonar and two remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). The ROVs found that the seafloor at the site is very soft and any meteorites likely sank into it. However, they did recover seven seafloor sediment samples for laboratory analysis.
The first appearance of falling meteorites on radar occurs at 03:05:26 UTC and 19,750 m above sea level (ASL) in the 0301 UTC data set for the KRTX radar in the 3.9 degree elevation radar sweep. This signature appears only five seconds after the fireball terminus, as recorded by a video found on the AMS page for this event. This detection is unusual because of its very high altitude, and meteorites in this radar signature have not yet size-sorted through aerodynamically limited fall toward the ground. Signatures consistent with falling meteorites appear in a total of no fewer than twenty-six radar sweeps from the three radars, with a final signature appearing at 03:15:42 UTC. The radar sweeps made at 0.12 degrees elevation from the KLGX radar feature anomalously high total reflectivity – these sweeps are recording a mixture of falling meteorites and spray kicked up by meteorites striking the ocean.
Calculations of mass and total number of meteorites based on weather radar data indicate that this meteorite fall is approximately 31x the total mass of the Park Forest, IL meteorite fall in 2003. The fragmentation behavior of this probable fall is not typical, showing a preference for survival of larger meteorites compared to other meteorite falls seen on radar.
Source: https://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/meteorite-falls/events/pacific-coast-washington
Each year since 2005, the American Meteor Society receives hundreds of fireball reports. Take a look at all the fireball reports.